Spiked Vs. Spikeless Golf Shoes

Before deciding between a spiked and spikeless golf shoe, it is important to understand their strengths and weaknesses. First and foremost, make the combination of functionality and comfort the ultimate emphasis. Consider which cleat type will optimize your play, improve body and swing control, and keep you going strong from the initial drive to the final putt.

Golf Shoes With Spikes

The main purpose of spiked golf shoes is to promote stability through each swing. The protrusions at the bottom of the soles penetrate the ground to increase traction and decrease the risk of slipping. For instance, when you find yourself on the fairway in bad weather, may it be rain or snow, the spikes will keep you still and comfortable on the approach.

Further, golfers with hard swings should consider traditional cleats in order to stay balanced through the high levels of torque used in each strike. Similarly, many professional Tour players prefer the spiked shoe because the enhanced stability facilitates a steady swing.

As a final, unsurprising rule of thumb: spiked golf footwear should only be worn while on the course and never on cement sidewalks, paths or asphalt streets.

Here are some examples of great spiked golf shoes:

Shoe Recommendations

Hyperflex Golf Shoes

Traditions Golf Shoes

ZG 21 Golf Shoes

Spikeless Golf Shoes

Many golfers claim that spikeless golf shoes provide more comfort and support than standard cleats when walking both on and off the course. Why is that? Because spikeless golf shoes are designed to grip the ground with the entire length of the sole rather than just at the heel and toe, like traditional spikes.

Spikeless golf shoes can be worn just about anywhere and are much more stylish than their spiked counterparts because they feature a sneaker-like appearance. All around, they’re a versatile and practical addition to your wardrobe. If you are a golfer who values comfort, ease of walking and greater style, then this is the better choice for you.

You can’t go wrong with any of these spikeless golf shoes:

Shoe Recommendations

FJ Fuel Spikeless Golf Shoes

Tech Response Spikeless Golf Shoes

Pro/SL Golf Shoes

Choosing The Right Shoe For You

There are multitudes of options out there from elite golf shoe brands like FootJoy and Adidas, so it’s important to keep in mind personal preferences in regards to style, fit and use. For more casual course footwear, the spikeless option will do, but if you’d like something stronger and more stable, choose a standard spiked cleat. All-in-all, be sure to demo a number of shoes before making a final purchase because your next great round starts from the bottom up.

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