Golf for Beginners

Golf for Beginners, image:
So, maybe you’re getting ready to buy some golf balls for Father’s Day – good choice. Golfing dads always appreciate a fresh dozen or two or three in the heart of golf season. But what about you? Maybe it’s time to start playing the game yourself.
Golf Tips for Beginners
You don’t need a lot of lessons to learn how to play golf. You may not even need to visit a professional if you know someone who can show you the basics of the game: grip, stance, and swing. Make your first swings in a natural way for you. There are many ways to swing a golf club that will all deliver the ball in the air and moving forward. When you are just starting, try to hit the ball h-a-r-d. You can always learn to control your shots later, but it is much more difficult to try and generate clubhead speed – necessary for both distance and accuracy – if you have not started out going full tilt.
Find starter clubs that are easy to swing and will get the ball up in the air. Don’t worry about the equipment the pros use.
When you reach the point where you are ready to improve, visit a pro for lessons. If you are athletic and swinging a golf club came naturally, look for a teaching professional who will work with your swing. If things did not go easy in the beginning, seek out a pro who will help build your golf swing with proper mechanics.
If lower scores are important to you spend almost all your practice time on the short game – from 100 yards in. Golfers who know how to pitch, chip, and putt will always be able to compete against players with pretty swings.
How to Tee Off for Beginners
Jack Nicklaus was known for teeing the ball exceptionally high. When asked about it he replied, “Through years of practice I have found that air offers less resistance than dirt.” Follow his advice; teeing the ball high encourages an upward swing with the driver that will launch balls down the fairway. Consciously lighten your grip on the driver. The tendency for new players is to tense up on the tee, gripping the club even harder in the process. That “death grip” will almost guarantee a disastrous shot to follow. Hold the club like a feather and your subconscious will automatically tighten up during the swing.
Instead of aiming down the fairway – where all sorts of bad things like bunkers and water and trees can sneak into your mind, pick out a spot just twelve inches in front of the tee and aim at that. It is much easier to hit something one foot away than 200 yards away. Drive the ball over your spot and it will continue your desired flight path.
Best Golf Balls for Beginners
You will be astounded at the number of golf balls you can go through during a round of golf. You will hit them in the darnedest places. Golf balls come in a wide range of price points, ranging from little more than $1 a ball to $4 a ball. As a beginner, you will not likely be able to take advantage of the benefits that are baked into higher priced golf balls so shop in the lower end. As your game develops, you will learn about the “playability” of various golf balls and form preferences. The good news for beginning players these days is that there is plenty of performance technology packed into the modern low-end ball. The traditional white golf ball has also ceded market share in recent days to vividly colored and patterned golf balls that are easier to spot off the fairway – places that you will sadly be visiting regularly as a beginner. For further information on ball selection for new players, visit our guide to the best golf balls for beginners.