Guide to a Proper Golf Stance
Guide To a Proper Golf Stance
To be a successful golfer, you must learn how to maintain balance while swinging the club. A proper golf stance is the foundation for building a solid and stable body position during your swing. By maintaining good posture from your stance throughout your swing, you can also better control your club. Depending on your swing, the basic golf stance is the cornerstone many other stances and swings build on. Therefore, it’s crucial to master before learning any other variances.
Your Golf Stance is the Foundation From Which You Build a Strong Swing
The stance is the position of your body when you address the ball. A proper stance will allow you to generate power, balance and control when you make a swing. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Begin by distributing your weight correctly to maintain proper balance throughout your swing. If you are right-handed, you should place your left foot slightly forward of your right foot. The width of your feet should align with your shoulders; however, if you find it more comfortable to widen or narrow their placement, feel free to adjust accordingly. If you are right-handed and tall enough that this stance would cause discomfort in either leg or hip area, try widening the distance between them until it feels comfortable for you (shorter players might want to consider narrowing them).
Keep in mind that this setup may change as time goes on. For instance, you may need a more expansive stance later on if regular playing causes muscle development in one leg over another or puts undue pressure on an injured joint/skeleton structure.
Once both feet are adequately placed side by side behind the ball at shoulder width apart (or whatever width feels most natural), move back toward your address by putting weight into each step without losing balance first. Eventually, you’ll be making contact with the ball before finally completing a full swing motion.
Weight Should Be Distributed Evenly Between the Balls and the Heels of Your Feet
You should distribute your weight evenly between the balls and heels of both feet. This helps maintain balance while allowing freedom of movement during the swing. As you move toward impact, however, there should be more weight on the lead foot than on its counterpart. This is why golf pros often recommend that beginners stand with a slight bend at their knees so they can transfer their weight forward, if necessary.
Toes Should Point Straight Ahead Or Slightly Outward If It Helps Maintain Balance
You should point your toes straight ahead or slightly outward if it helps you to maintain balance. Your feet should be no more than shoulder-width apart. If a club feels comfortable in this position, it’s probably the correct length for you.
When you address the ball, many things contribute to your stance. Some things to check are your grip on the club, if you’re right-handed or left-handed and how tall or short you are relating to your clubs. Also, consider where you are on the hole. Being in the rough or on the fairway can alter how you square up to the ball.
Your Stance Will Be Different For Full Shots and Short Shots
Your stance should vary for full and short shots when you play. For example, a golfer might want to stand closer to the ball on an uphill lie for better balance. This is because it gives them more distance to rev up their swing and add power.
Another thing to consider is how much weight to distribute between the front and back foot. A good rule of thumb is to keep your weight evenly distributed between both feet when making a full swing, but if you’re hitting a chip shot or putting, then it’s OK to shift more towards one side or another (as long as it feels comfortable). Once again, only personal preference through trial-and-error over time can determine this. Also, don’t worry about getting this perfect every time; it’s about what feels natural to you.
Keep Your Hips and Knees Slightly Flexed, But Not Locked
Flexing your hips is vital, but be sure not to lock them. The key is to put very little pressure on them. Keep your knees slightly bent, but again, not locked. You should distribute the weight of your body evenly between the balls and heels of your feet. A crucial component of your stance is to remain relaxed. Don’t overthink your posture or worry about what other people around you are doing. Don’t worry about how you look; focus on enjoying the game, your strategy and having a good time.
A Correct Golf Stance Can Take Strokes Off Your Game
Since your golf stance is the foundation from which you build a strong, proper golf swing, it’s essential to adjust your balance, stability and consistency. A good rule of thumb is to base your golf stance on the length of your golf club. For example, if you have a shorter club (say 50 inches), it makes sense to stand closer to the ball than someone with a longer club (say 75 inches).
Remember, you should feel comfortable while doing so, since balance and relaxation are critical components. A proper golf stance is the foundation on which you swing, so keeping your stance and swing strong will ultimately take strokes off your game.