Staff off to the 2014 PGA Merchandise Show
Members of the staff will be in the tourist mecca of Central Florida next week, but it won’t be for a vacation.
Eight staffers will be attending the 2014 PGA Merchandise Show Wednesday-Friday, Jan. 22-24, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla., along with the PGA Show’s Outdoor Demo Day next Tuesday, Jan. 21. The 61st annual gathering of golf’s global industry will be providing nearly 40,000 attending PGA professionals, retailers and industry leaders with excusive product previews and demonstrations.
It is without question golf’s major business event of the year, with 10 miles of show aisles, over one million square feet of interactive exhibits, product demonstrations and industry presentation space. It’s also an opportunity for those in the golf industry to learn what’s going to drive the business of golf during the 2014 season. thinks the show is important enough to send a large group to Orlando for the four days, a group that includes President and CEO Tom Cox, Director of Purchasing and Retail Operations Jamie McNamara, Director of Customer Service and Merchandising Johnny Cox, Director of Corporate and Event Sales Bryan Cheramie, Retail Manager Andy Melancon, Assistant Buyer Brant Jackson and Director of Marketing Brad Pecot. I’ll be along to document some of their activities on video and on this blog, while also trying to provide some of the flavor of the PGA Merchandise Show.
Why does think it’s so important to have such a presence? It’s simple … we think it benefits you, the customer. Nearly 1,000 top golf companies and brands will be showing their wares, including more than 300 companies that are brand-new to the Show this year and have brand-new products on display. It’s important that we provide you with information about this wave of new golf equipment, design and technology, so you can make a more informed decision to match your game.
The Merchandise Show allows attendees to experience hands-on testing of that equipment, which allows our experts to observe and evaluate and eventually make recommendations on the best values for each golfer.
If you have specific questions about products and equipment, don’t hesitate to contact us during the Show and we’ll do our best to get you the answers. Just visit our Facebook page by clicking here and let us know your thoughts!