Father’s Day Golf Gifts: Here’s what to get for Dad…
Father’s Day is fast approaching and if you have a golfer Dad, we know it’s sometimes difficult to choose the right gift. To make sure your dad gets the most use out of your gift selection it is important to consider the type of golfer Pop is. Here are some must-have gift ideas to consider.
All Golfers
Essentially, all golfers need balls! For a gift that you know will be appreciated long after Father’s Day, sneak a look at the insides of Dad’s bag to discover what specific kind he prefers to play with. Take note of the exact model, as brands manufacture a diverse range of designs to placate varying playing abilities. If you’re not able to pinpoint the specifics, ask his playing partners or someone close to him to do a bit of snooping on your behalf.
To make his favorite brand even more special, get personalized golf balls! Of course, we are in the digital age so your choices are not restricted to what you can draw with a sharpie. You can personalize that gift dozen with text, alignment aids, monogrammed designs or even photos – yourself, a pet, or even Dad’s favorite pro golfer – for a splash of added inspiration on the tee.
Serious Golfers
Is Dad the type that keeps a weighted club leaning up against the wall of his office or has a practice net out behind the garage? If so, consider a swing-monitoring device. These machines use radar to collect quantitative data that is digested and analyzed to produce exact numbers for variables, including launch angle, attack angle, face alignment, and swing speed. With today’s exacting golf technology, there are clubs and balls created to match every golfer’s swing profile.
If your father prefers to unearth the mysteries of the game Ben Hogan-style by pounding balls on the range until his hands bleed, buy Dad some gift certificates for extra-large buckets of balls at the local range or even a season pass. Throw in a roll of self-adhering strike indicator stickers to provide feedback on the golf swing the old-fashioned way.
Recreational Golfers
Even if Dad is not looking to be a par-buster on the course, there is no reason he cannot travel like a pro. In the past, your golf travel options were limited to soft-sided bags that left your clubs to the mercy of ruthless baggage handlers, or massive hard plastic shells that are durable but called “coffins” for a reason. However, these days soft shell travel bags just get better and better.
Is Dad the kind of golfer who never wants to be the one in his foursome without the latest golf doohickey? Wearable computers that attach to a belt can collect data on everything from steps walked to exact distances balls travel with each club. These digital scorekeepers can record the numbers of greens hit, fairways found and putts needed. You gift your father rangefinders that provide exact distances, either as a handheld device or a wristwatch. With the help of modern technology, Dad never needs to go onto the course without every bit as much information as a touring professional.
Beginner Golfers
It’s fairly common for men to reinvigorate their love of the sport during their twilight years. If your dad is just starting to grow his appreciation for golf, present him with the essentials during this upcoming Father’s Day. A complete set of clubs will provide all of the necessary equipment, and there are even balls that complement seniors’ abilities. If your dad is just exploring the game, chances are that he’s lacking some basic accessories that will prove extremely helpful, like golf towels and gloves.
And when all else fails, browse our Golf Gift Center!