Quick fixes for common golf Gameplay Problems
In the year 1900, about a dozen years after golf had first caught on in the United States, America got its first great player, Walter Travis. This Long Island native won the United States Amateur Championship in 1900, 1901, and 1903; in 1904 he even sailed to England and beat the British at their own game by winning their Amateur Championship.
While his triumphs are impressive, his lasting legacy may come in the form of the golfing training aid he introduced his countrymen to. While practicing at the Garden City Golf Club, he installed smaller sized cups into the holes on the practice green to make the standard holes feel larger. More than one hundred years and thousands of golf training gizmos later, the hallmark of the best golf training aids is still simplicity. Here are a few problems that inspired such inventions to be created:
Golf Swing Slice Tips
We’ve all been there at some point: we strike the ball with what we believe to be beautiful form, but are disappointed to see it flying far from where we intended. The reason this occurs is that the player has a poor grip and ends up swinging an open face into the ball.
How to Fix It: First, you should adjust your stance so that you’re not standing so upright. Next, make sure you have a proper grip that leads the clubface to be more closed. Focus on a clear target line from your ball to the landing space. Finally, swing along with the path so that your body has a natural guide as to where it should go.
Training Aids: When you need to practice swinging the club with accuracy, consider a product that will encourage you to check your grips, clubface alignment and forces you to swing with some consistency. Because lack of aim can lead to those little white orbs landing in ponds, consider purchasing cheaper versions like logo overrun golf balls.
Lack of Power
Even though some players may have the better form, their friends may still hit the ball farther. While there is a list of reasons for why this occurs, a common problem is that there are issues in the player’s momentum – the motion and movements of the body during the swing.
How to Fix It: Break down your swing in slow motion to make sure that it moves effortlessly without any hiccups. Working on your mechanics takes time; don’t expect a miracle over night. As you begin to feel comfortable enough with any adjustments you need to make, start building strength in your swing.
Training Aid: Getting a stronger swing involves getting closer to perfection on your swing. It also requires optimal (controlled) club speed. A good tool to help you reach the green faster would be a weighted club. It will make your club feel light, but will also force you to stay in control of your entire motion.
Easy Golf Putting Tips
Okay, there is no magic putter that is going to scratch two strokes off your card. Being a master at putting is simply going to take time.
How to Fix It: Unlike our previous two references, this one involves two suggestions. First, find a putter that you are comfortable with. Second, practice makes perfect.
Training Aid: Whenever you get the chance to take a few swings, do it. No matter if that is at your club or in your backyard. The key is to become comfortable with both the movement and the equipment. We recommend either purchasing a putter series or an adjustable club. With multiple weights and designs at your fingertips, you’ll be able to find the specific settings that allow you to perform your best.
These are only a few problems that we as golfers struggle with. However, by utilizing simple equipment to conquer these problems, you can grow as a golfer and become more self-assured on the green.