Difference Between Women’s & Men’s Golf Balls?
Women’s Golf Balls vs Men’s: What’s the Difference?
One of the most common mistakes that beginner and intermediate golfers make is the failure to recognize the significant differences between the various types of golf balls being manufactured and sold this day in age. Just because they are white and dimpled, doesn’t mean that every golf ball is suited for every type of player on the course.
The same rings especially true for women’s golf balls. Male and female golfers have undeniable physiological traits that must be accounted for in every piece of golf equipment that is employed. Unfortunately, while players often focus on the appropriate golf club shaft length and club specifics that cater to their individual needs, golf ball composition is often overlooked.
You wouldn’t expect a PGA Tour pro to hit a junior golf ball, so why would a female player be expected to hit a golf ball that wasn’t designed for her? The difference between men’s and women’s golf balls are significant enough to warrant a distinction between the two golf ball types across all of the major golf ball brands. If you’re looking for the best women’s golf balls available today, then you’ll want to consider a few facts before deciding on the perfect women’s golf balls for you – or your better half.
Golf ball manufacturing in the 21st century is an exact science. There isn’t a major golf equipment maker in business today that doesn’t devote countless research and development hours to creating golf balls that are custom-fit for every type of golfer playing the game – including women.
Areas Where Women’s Golf Balls Differ
When analyzing the differences between men’s and women’s golf balls, it’s important to take three key distinctions that set women’s golf balls apart from other golf ball types.
Compression. The clearest distinction between men’s and women’s golf balls is the notable difference in compression rating. Golf ball compression happens when the clubface makes contact with the golf ball. The impact causes a spring-like effect in the ball that sends it sailing forward at rapid speed. The harder a golf ball is, the more force that is required to get the desired effect. The softer a golf ball is, the less force that is required to get the ball to compress and spring forward.
Most men’s golf balls have a compression rating between 70 and 110, with 70 being a softer golf ball, and 110 denoting a very hard golf ball, suited for the fastest swings. Women’s swing speeds tend to be slower than men’s, so the best women’s golf balls accommodate this noticeable difference by boasting compression ratings between 45 and 70. Lower compression ratings work wonders for slower swing speeds, ensuring that female golfers are getting the most distance possible from a slower swing speed.
Dimples. Golf ball dimples are another key difference between men’s and women’s golf balls. Many of the best women’s golf balls today incorporate dimple counts and designs that are made specifically to increase lift and get the ball up in the air. Women’s golf balls that boast high-trajectory dimples allow slower club swingers to keep the ball up longer, resulting in more distance.
Design. We would be fooling ourselves if we left out the last significant difference between men’s and women’s golf balls: design. While most men’s golf balls are the monotonous white spheres that have denominated the industry for years, women’s golf balls tend to put a tasteful spin on perhaps the most integral piece of golf equipment. With colored covers ranging from neon purples to hot pink, there are several varieties and styles of women’s golf balls available today. Of course, one can always find plain white golf balls for ladies looking to blend in with the rest of the pack.
The differences between men’s and women’s golf balls shouldn’t be taken lightly. After all, every golfer should choose a golf ball that was designed specifically to accommodate his or her swing speed, and today’s women’s golf balls do just that. When choosing the best women’s golf balls, make sure to focus on swing speed first, followed by custom dimples for optimal aerodynamics, before finally choosing your own style. Because picking out a great-looking set of golf balls should be fun, and no one should ever have to play with an ugly golf ball.